I’m experiencing a strange behavior that I don’t understand how to solve, I hope someone can help me.
I have a Tuya device, this device has a “select” type entity with these options:
- "1"
- "2"
- "3"
- "4"
icon: mdi:thermometer-lines
friendly_name: Tristar Temperature level
Firing the select_option command does not change the state value, in fact, it does not produce any effect:
service: select.select_option
option: "2"
entity_id: select.tristar_temperature_level
In the “Controls” area of the device information page (Configuration), the entity with a drop-down box is visible, but if we select a value from this box, the status does not change or have any effect on the physical device.
Also, adding a card in the UI with the entity and choose a value from the drop-down box, it has no effect, that is, the state does not change or have any effect on the physical device.
It appears that it is not possible to change the state of this entity using Home Assistant, however…
On the developer tools status page, if we choose the entity and expand the “Define State” expansion box, where we can define the state for any entity, and if we change the state there, then the state changes, both in the entity and on the physical device (and this is exactly what I need).
Conclusion: it is possible to change the state and produce effects on the physical device, through the developer tools, but I need to change the value through the UI and/or through a service.
Any suggestion?
Can anyone understand what is going on and how I can solve/workaround it?