Selecting Plex user for Service media_player.play_media

I’m trying to run a script which turns on my LG WebOS TV and plays a Plex video playlist for my kids from their account.

They have a seperate Plex account called “kids”, and the playlist I want to run is saved under this account.

I’ve managed to get the script working in as far as I can turn on the TV run plex and then succesfully run the media_player.play_media service, and run playlists I have created under my account.

The problem is the service only seems to play media from my Plex user account.

I want to run media_player.play_media using the kids Plex account rather my mine. Is there a way to do this?

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I just ran into a similar problem tonight. ( Plex can't find unwatched on a single series, all others work - #2 by moralsnipe )

In my case, my search was running against the owner’s library watched/unwatched status. But not the managed account that my Apple TV’s Plex are all logged in as.

Hi, did you figure it out? I am having the same problem. Thanks! :slight_smile:

Would love to know as well :slight_smile:

I don’t suppose anyone has figured this one out?