I’ve just moved my Home Assistant installation to a new hardware. During this process I’ve switched from HassOS to Home Assistant on Docker and I started with a clean, new installation.
My previous HA DB was over 2GB and it contained a lot of entities I was not interested to keep. This was one of the reason I wanted to start fresh.
I’m wondering however if there is a way to carry forward to the new installation, only few entities. I’d be interested only in the energy production/consumption and the energy price, so to retain these 2 years of data I’ve got in the old installation.
I’d be fine with exporting the data from SQLLite (old installation) via HeidiDB and import it to MariaDB (new installation), but would need some guidance about data from which tables will need to be imported. I guess the entity id might have changed, despite the name has remained the same across the 2 installs.
Anyone would be able to give me some hints?