hello to all
Who knows a NICE 3-position selector OFF / ON / AUTO
Ideally a bit of the style of the standard switches, but with 3 positions.
I think OFF/ON/AUTO is a problem that comes up often…
something like that:
not this (ugly) one:
hello to all
Who knows a NICE 3-position selector OFF / ON / AUTO
Ideally a bit of the style of the standard switches, but with 3 positions.
I think OFF/ON/AUTO is a problem that comes up often…
something like that:
not this (ugly) one:
Try this…
i will try to understand how it works.
some future plan for native selector in HA ?
A differnt suggestion, not that it fullfills your requirement about looking like a standard.
I came across this when I was playing with the set_state.py file to see what’s possible and what isn’t in combination with the custom:button-card
type: custom:button-card
entity: button.test
name: Test
show_state: true
- value: 'off'
color: blue
icon: mdi:power
- value: 'on'
color: red
icon: mdi:power
- value: auto
color: white
icon: mdi:power
action: call-service
service: python_script.set_state
entity_id: button.test
state: |
if (entity.state === 'on') {
return 'off';
else if (entity.state === 'off') {
return 'auto';
return 'on';
Does require 3 things to be done before it works:
you need to manually create that button entity since the card doesn’t like to do so
nor did I get the option allow_create working offered by the set_state. I know this does work but perhaps not from within the button_card. No idea yet.
Creating a button.test goes like this
Developper-tools>State> then where it says ‘set state’ write button.test for the entity and on off or auto into the state field. done
Does require to install the custom:button-card addon using HACS
you need a python file named set_state.py easily to be found using the search in here.
store this file in /config/python_scripts/
and don’t forget to add “python_script:” w/o the quotes to your main configuration.yaml
Unlikely. What you want is not a standard Material Web Component (which is what the HA frontend uses): Components – Material Design 3 and while the frontend dev team have made their own controls in the past (like the circular slider for climate control) this is not a common occurrence.
I personally think some of the integrations are more powerful than the devs could make the front end.
The devs could definitely do it, however, it’s much more time to make it standard.
I personally would use the HACs addons.
@tom_l OK let dev team concentrate on the core.
@justone thanks for your answer, but I’m looking for a most ‘native’ solution… it seems that using
custom:button-card addon is a necessity. I have never used python scripts in HA (seems a little bit hard).
@91JJ thanks for your answer, i used it to make a workaround: it works but it is not the beautiful yet simple 3 states switch I had in mind:
2 types (from the others i have tried):
in action:
click on the name send to the original input_select
For this
1: create an input_select (here ‘radio3’)
# https://community.home-assistant.io/t/help-with-automation-home-security-toggle/314986
# 2023-01-20_09-19
name: radio3
- "off"
- "auto"
- "on"
2 create an horizontal card (code from the yaml editor)
type: horizontal-stack
- type: custom:button-card
color_type: card
entity: input_select.radio3
name: Radio3
- height: 60px
- '--mdc-ripple-color': '#0288d1'
- '--mdc-ripple-press-opacity': 0.7
- operator: default
color: white
- type: custom:button-card
color_type: card
entity: input_select.radio3
name: 'Off'
icon: mdi:close-circle-outline
- height: 60px
- '--mdc-ripple-color': '#0288d1'
- '--mdc-ripple-press-opacity': 0.7
- width: 70px
action: call-service
service: input_select.select_option
entity_id: input_select.radio3
option: 'off'
- value: 'off'
color: '#03a9f4'
- operator: default
color: white
- type: custom:button-card
color_type: card
entity: input_select.radio3
name: Auto
icon: mdi:power-cycle
- height: 60px
- '--mdc-ripple-color': '#0288d1'
- '--mdc-ripple-press-opacity': 0.7
- width: 70px
action: call-service
service: input_select.select_option
entity_id: input_select.radio3
option: auto
- value: auto
color: '#0288d1'
- operator: default
color: white
- type: custom:button-card
color_type: card
entity: input_select.radio3
name: 'On'
icon: mdi:power
- height: 60px
- '--mdc-ripple-color': '#0288d1'
- '--mdc-ripple-press-opacity': 0.7
- width: 70px
action: call-service
service: input_select.select_option
entity_id: input_select.radio3
option: 'on'
- value: 'on'
color: '#0288d1'
- operator: default
color: white
this code should be improved, this is my first usage of custom:button-card, so it is not pretty.
thanks to all
If it works, it works!
There’s many different add-ons out there to make it a little more pretty.