Send a message button


I would like to have a button on lovelace dashboard that i can type a message in and send. I tried googling and found mini media player and configured it but could not get google tts to work at all
this uses the’ tts:
platform@ google_translate’

no matter what i did if failed :frowning:
saying no server. yet if i send a message via automaition by using
service: tts.google_translate_say
I dont know how to move forward now. I can get it working with automation and edit it to change what i want to say. or just a button and it just errors.
anyone know a script i can use to use the sevice version off tts with a text entry and send button on lovelace?

thank you for your help

King of the no code Noobz

ahh no one knows the answer I guess i need to go to a programming form :frowning:

Something like this: GitHub - bernikr/lovelace-notify-card: Send notifications directly from the dashboard?