📸 Send camera snapshot notification on motion

Replace in the blueprint the data section by this one

  data: '{% set android_data = {"image": "%s"} | format(snapshot_access_file_path)
  %} {% set ios_data = {"push": {"sound": {"critical": "1", "name": "default", "volume": "0.1"}}, "attachment": {"url": "%s", "content_type": "JPEG"}} | format(snapshot_access_file_path)
  %} {{ ios_data if is_ios else android_data }}'

Nice, Thank you. It even sent a picture to my watch!

It’s based on this :slight_smile:
Nest Hello Advanced Wiring Diagram
The NO/NC with ESPhome is eazy:
:mage: Magic Section below :mage:

  - platform: gpio
    name: "Latch detect"
    pin: D2
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I’ve changed the code - restarted HA but i’m only getting the notification.
I"m not getting the picture from my Wyze V2 cam running RTSP firmware via Motion Eye.

What to do?

Honestly no idea.
Did it work before the change?

The camera tumbnail never worked, that’s why i tried your fix.

Thanks, it works now on iOS!

Please add an option to send only if the alarm is activated!


Thank you. Great Blueprint.
I have a Gen 1 August Door Bell with Cam and this one works fine. notification with the snapshot.
when i click on the snapshot notification it just takes me to the HAAS app main lovelace screen.
force touch on the iphone 12 does show the expanded pic.


That’s something you need to clarify more.
Disabling the automation isn’t good enough?

I wonder if we shouldn’t make these alerts sticky, just to avoid losing the notification.

I need some help. The snap shot has been done and stored in proper folder but I recesive only message notification - android device. Where is problem?

It is important to note that the attachments are required to be accessible from the internet.

Is this the case?

No realy. I need to edit blueprint, replace data section. How to do it?

I found it in the docs. Thx anyway

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Looking for some help.
Everything with this Blueprint works fine, except that my motion sensor sends a notification every time something moves (i.e. Motion detected, person moves, motion detected…so I end up with 3 or more notification within a second lol.).
Usually, there is a delay after the initial detection and the next detection.
How can I add delay in motion detection?

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Since that automation has not specified a run mode it’s going to run in single mode. That means if a new run tries to start while one is going it will block it. So if you provide a value for that delay input that will effectively act as a cool down, only allowing the automation to run once every x seconds.

Although you may get a lot of warnings in your log. Each time a new run starts and is blocked it logs a warning by default and sounds like that might happen to you a lot. @vorion you might want to set max_exceeded to silent to prevent that, or provide an input for that value.

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Wait I’m sorry that delay is before the snapshot so don’t use that as a cool down, you’ll miss the picture. The automation would need a second cooldown delay at the end and it doesn’t have one at the moment

I searched for a blueprint and also tried to do an automation to send a picture and notification to my android phone when my doorbell (a cheap Samsung Button) was pushed, much like the Arlo and Ring doorbells do. Its a little complicated for my skill level so I used this blueprint for motion and set a picture delay of 1 second. I then created an automation with the trigger being the doorbell being pressed (short, long and double) which then triggers this blueprint. It works!! I appreciate your contribution.

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how can i add clickAction to the message? sorry for being noob but wold be great to add, even manually editing it…