I am in the process of updating a very old (5+ years) implementation of Home Assistant.
The system is setup so that the Home Assistant pi can turn on/off my projector by sending a 1/2 to another pi that is attached to the serial port of the projector. In the old implemenattion, I would run python scripts via shell commands but the new implementation of home assiatnt cannot run anything that uses an import (e.g., import socket). While I’m pretty good at fiddling with things until they work I am not an advanced programmer. What direction should I go? Should I look at using AppDaemon or would MQTT somehow work? I’ve looked into each approach and neither looks that easy so I want to pick the right path up front. Thoughts?
I setup a MQTT server on my piZero and everthing worked great… until it didn’t. Now it looks as though the client is reconized by the HA mosquitto MQTT broker but nothing transfers between the two pi’s. Is MQTT flakey or is it generally reliable? Thanks!