Send data to ESP32?


I have a couple of ESP32’s set up with some BLE sensors and exposing them to HA. All nice.

I had the idea that I would like to send some sensor data from HA to the ESP32, so that it could pass it on to a display. How do I start going about to do that? Is there some sort of ESPHome sensor pre-defined which can take HA data as input?

My basic idea is to collect data from my Xiaomi BLE sensors, process it into some kind of average/get temperature from a local weather forecast and display it on the Xiaomi LCD using a modified firmware:

ATC_MiThermometer/BLE_term_lcd.ino at master · pvvx/ATC_MiThermometer (


The easiest way is to expose a service from the ESP that you can call in Home Assistant: and and this example

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