Send emails without internet

i get an error if my ha setup sends an email and internet is down at the moment or the is any other problem…

is there any way to catch the error or tell ha to keep on trying until internet is back online?!


I use a ping sensor to know if the Internet is up or down and use that as the condition for things that rely on the Internet and to know if I need to power cycle my modem due to an outage. In general, I find it easier to have toggles for all kinds of things to make the automation smarter such as if the internet is up/down, if I’m on vacation, if I’m sleeping, etc.


i’m using this solution too, but i’m trying to find a more general solution to prevent any kind of problem during sending notifications…

I don’t think you can get more general than acting on if the internet is up or down. You could put in a wait for it to come back up again to send.

The alternative is to install a SMTP service in your local network.
This is an actuall mail server for sending mails and can be configured to queue mails and retry.
If your external mail service require authentication then the SMTP service you install have to be able to do this for it forwarding servers.

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However be aware that some home internet service providers block the outgoing mail server port (25) as a spam prevention measure and your ISP may require you to change to a business plan to have this port opened. Or there are other services you can use, e.g.

The ISP will block incoming SMTP connections, not outgoing ones.
Outgoing SMTP connections to port 25 will be made by both internal mail servers and mail clients, so it will be a common connection for many internet users.

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That is not always the case, ISP’s block port 25 outbound quite often because spammers use that port. Comcast actively blocks 25 in and out, and most ISP’s say to use 587. I’ve actually run into a handful that do, indeed, block 25 in and out besides Comcast.


Maybe because I am europen based I have never seen that. It would probably be against the EU laws, because it would prevent competition on SMTP services.
I guess US laws might allow it.

It’s quite common for European ISPs to block port 25, both incoming and outgoing for their private customers, as a spam-preventing measure. You would need to get a business plan to get port 25 opened, in these cases.

It is common in Australia too.

They are not allowed to block it in EU.
It can be done when exceptional circumstances rise and then only as a temporary measure.

It may be blocked as a standard setting, but the costumer can then request it to opened up.

That document says nothing about ports. The Open Internet rules is about Net neutrality. The ISP will block port 25 and tell you to use port 587 instead, and are thus not blocking traffic. They have a legal requirement to fight spam and blocking port 25 is part of that. You often also have to get your setup vetted, as a business, before they open port 25, to make sure you’re not running an open relay server.

It is a pointless discussion. Even if your DMARC, DKIM, and SPF are all correct, you will not have your email accepted using a private IP address.

True, and it doesn’t take much to end up on blacklists. Some blacklist operators are very trigger happy. A constant annoyance in my work (webhosting).

Under these rules, blocking, throttling and discrimination of internet traffic by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) is not allowed in the EU. There are 3 exceptions: compliance with legal obligations; integrity of the network; congestion management in exceptional and temporary situations.

It is considered blocking, because I can not use another SMTP service, like one linked to my mail account at a third party site.

The point is moot and I’m not going to argue anymore.