Send local content URL to Chromecast Audio

I can’t as I don’t use SSL :frowning:

Hi All,
I know this is a very old thread, but as I am trying hard to achieve exactly what so many of you sy you have successfully been able to do, I was hoping someone could hlep me get things right as well.

type: button
    - service: media_player.play_media
      entity_id: media_player.stue_ac
        media_content_id: ""
        media_content_type: "audio/mp3"
entity: media_player.stue_ac

What could be wrong?

I was able to accomplish the same thing using the visual editor with this:

For those who use a Raspberry Pi to host their media(like me). I highly recommend using a native service like nginx instead of the python simple HTTP server. It’s easier to manage and more reliable.