Send NEC1 command with Moes UFO-R11 IR blaster

I have a Moes UFO-R11 Zigbee IR Blaster.

It works fine. I can put it into learning mode, point a remote and learn a code. e.g power toggling my TV gives the following:

The problem is that there are some commands that are not on the remote I have. I have googled and found a list of commands at irdb/codes/Toshiba/TV/64,-1.csv at 44744ca09f3321fe78a70be749a54bb1bd8ce186 · probonopd/irdb · GitHub

it seems like POWER TOGGLE is given as
functionname: “POWER”
protocol: “NEC1”
device: 64
subdevice: -1
function: 18

so I wonder how could I convert this into a format that the MOES device can send?

It looks like a base64 encoded string which when decoded is a list of integers:
[7, 154, 3, 154, 3, 14, 7, 154, 3, 224, 17, 1, 128, 29, 128, 5, 5, 255, 255, 154, 3, 154, 3, 128, 11, 224, 15, 1, 11, 14, 7, 154, 3, 154, 3, 14, 7, 154, 3, 154, 3]

How do I get from NEC function to the b64 string required?

Which specific commands? Your example shows Power toggle, which is already guaranteed to be on your remote.

Something like individual Power on and Power off commands would have made more sense.
You can search online for already decoded raw or base64 values using your model name, or something close to it. Otherwise, there’s this project on github (which I’m not familiar with - I just googled that for you) which you could check out.

@ShadowFist that’s exactly what I’m after.

I can see on the db that individual power on is POWER ON NEC 64 -1 126
power off is: POWER OFF NEC 64 -1 127

I have tried to use that script you provided but to no avail, none of the codes do anything. And I can’t find any encoded for my Toshiba 32w1333db. The remote is an RC-1910.

Additionally if I compare the IR code that is read when I press the power toggle button on my device it is different to the encoded version of that listed.

If you manage to convert those entries in the csv to actual NEC codes, I might have found a way for you to convert them to broadlink base64 format.
Bear in mind that this is all based on random google searches, so I cannot guarantee it will get you a working code.

  1. Convert the Nec code to Hex Yamaha IR Hex Converter
  2. Grab the Generated IR Hex and paste it here in the Broadlink Hex field. Click convert, wait a few seconds, grab the generated code from the Broadlink B64 field below it and use that.

I’m going to clarify what I said in my earlier post though. You don’t have to use the exact model number for your TV. Any Toshiba Tv manufactured within a few years before or after your model is almost guaranteed to use the same IR codes.
Hell, here’s a thread from 2012 with converted Toshiba discrete commands. Start off with that and see if they’re still working.