Send notifications to Android not in your config

I’ve not really thought it through but I want to send notifications to my mate but he won’t like to think that I’d be able to track his phone. I wouldn’t be able to install anything on it.

So is there some other way? I can’t think of one, except using some paid-for service like an SMS service.

There are a variety of core notification integrations as well as a few custom integrations. Probably the easiest to set up and use is SMTP which will send an email from your linked account to your mates email address.

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Whatsapp Add-on

Thanks - I was actually thinking of Android notifications, those which you see when swiping down from the top, but I hadn’t realised WhatsApp was do-able - I’ll have a look at that

I’m using a telegram bot for this, works nicely in both directions

I seemed to have to pass my login details to a 3rd party to use WhatsApp and I wasn’t prepared to do that. I am not following this up any more - just using email. Thanks.

Can you explain this please?
Which 3rd party? Which credentials? I scanned a QR code like you do when connecting a desktop PC to whatsapp.

Ah, I was looking at one called CallMeBot but I see there are others.

Which would you recomend, for WhatsApp?

This one looks quite good but possibly a bit complex to install. t0mer/matterbridge-custom-notifier: matterbridge-custom-notifier allows us to send whatsapp notifications to group using api calls but without the need to use the official whatsapp cloud api (