So I get one thing working and then try something else and fail again.
How do i get a notification to pop up on my iphone with a message?
I tried this guide, but looks like the UI has changed.
I found another guide that says use “notify.ios_Name of phone” and I can see notify.ios_matts_iphone in my services drop down but when I select it and enter {“message”:“hello”} nothing happens,
I already have ios and notify in my config, but read ANOTHER post about needing the following:
- name: iOSApp
platform: ios
So I tried that, but is name correct? and should target be in ‘<>’ those?
I currently have:
I have read the docs but they do not help. I have the home assistant app running on my ios fine. I have the device name in my app as matts_iphone
I can see battery usage in home assistant so assume its linked correctly, although the sensor does show battery usage against “sensor.matthew_s_iphone_battery_level”
I have ios component loaded, device tracker component loaded and ios notify platform loaded all ticked.
in the app under notification settings there is only a green button for “confirm before opening url”, a Push id, and options to update push settings, import sounds and reset badge to .
In my actual iphone settingsm under notifications, home assistant allow notifications is ticked.