Send notifications to iphone

So I get one thing working and then try something else and fail again.

How do i get a notification to pop up on my iphone with a message?

I tried this guide, but looks like the UI has changed.

I found another guide that says use “notify.ios_Name of phone” and I can see notify.ios_matts_iphone in my services drop down but when I select it and enter {“message”:“hello”} nothing happens,

I already have ios and notify in my config, but read ANOTHER post about needing the following:

  - name: iOSApp
    platform: ios
    target: '<TOKEN FROM SETTINGS>'

So I tried that, but is name correct? and should target be in ‘<>’ those?
I currently have:

  - platform: ios
    name: iosApp
    target: '<TOKEN>'

I have read the docs but they do not help. I have the home assistant app running on my ios fine. I have the device name in my app as matts_iphone

I can see battery usage in home assistant so assume its linked correctly, although the sensor does show battery usage against “sensor.matthew_s_iphone_battery_level”

Did you enable notifications in the hone assistant app on your iphone?

I have ios component loaded, device tracker component loaded and ios notify platform loaded all ticked.

in the app under notification settings there is only a green button for “confirm before opening url”, a Push id, and options to update push settings, import sounds and reset badge to .

In my actual iphone settingsm under notifications, home assistant allow notifications is ticked.

Do you have external access to your home assistant instance with an SSL-Certificate?

I have external access using duckdns

Are you using the beta 2.0 ios app or the v1.5 app?

If you are using the beta app the notification service has changed.

Using 1.5.1

Looks like something else I will just have to delete and start again with…

Deleted ios line in config
Deleted ios.conf file
Deleted ios HA app

Re-added ios to config file
Re-downloaded app
Entered details etc etc

Basically redid everything from here:

And it now works.

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