Send photo via Notifications for Android TV/FireTV

I’m wondering how to send photo via Notifications for Android TV/FireTV?

That’s not possible. The app only supports displaying text + icon. The icon in theory could be some other picture, but when I implemented dynamic icons the core devs voted against my implementation, so I have stripped out again.

Thanks @danielperna84 for your reply.

However I believe the latest version can support photo (not just icon). Please see these…

This is great for showing snapshot from cameras when intruder is detected.

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Huh, thanks for pointing that out. I didn’t follow the release notes, so I was unaware of that. I’ll have a look at it. :slight_smile:

No problem. I have moved this to feature request category. Hope this will be supported soon. Thanks.

I’m sorry. I’m wondering is anyone working on this?

Also see Notifications for AndroidTV - #2 by danielperna84 for additional information.

I have to apologize. Even though I said I’ll have a look at it, I didn’t manage to do so for a lack of time. I’d be happy to see if someone else could contribute.

No need to apologize. I wish I could contribute but it is too complicated for me.

@masterkenobi can you post your config for sending a camera image, everything I try seems to be invalid. Thanks

This is example action in my automation…

    - service: notify.alltvs
        title: "Alert"
        message: "Someone is at the car porch."
            url: http://[snapshot URL]
            username: !secret cam1_username
            password: !secret cam1_password

Hi @masterkenobi ,

OId thread, but I was just wondering is this still works?
Did you just put this into your configurations.yaml file:

  - platform: nfandroidtv
    name: Nvidia Shield TV

and then added the above configuration of yours? Then you will get the Notification on your Android TV with a nice picture as well?


Got this working and its great but how do you get the Home Assistant Logo or something next to the message and Title ?

I can get URL images but not local also, do you have to whitelist the path or anything ?



Maybe something like PiPup would help some people that want something a little more flexible as it’s just a simple post with Json data that can be done with HA, nodered, iOS shortcuts, tasker etc etc.



Thanks for that. I can do that all in this app. ie image above text. I just wanted to see if I could put the HA logo next to the text on the left.

Thanks anyway.


Here is an example of how to send a notification in Node Red, as I couldn’t really find any examples on the net, and had to muddle my way through it.

This is using a Sony TV, and yes, PiPup is great. It doesn’t have any ads like the “Notifications for Android TV” does, and it was really easy to set up.

[{"id":"87101dd.987786","type":"tab","label":"Delivery notification on TV","disabled":false,"info":""},{"id":"ab70ac50.fd88e8","type":"http request","z":"87101dd.987786","name":"","method":"POST","ret":"txt","paytoqs":"body","url":"http://InsertYourTV_IP:7979/notify","tls":"","persist":false,"proxy":"","authType":"","x":910,"y":260,"wires":[["f0f8665.b184b18"]]},{"id":"92614fa6.0c8818","type":"template","z":"87101dd.987786","name":"page","field":"payload","fieldType":"msg","format":"json","syntax":"mustache","template":"{\n  \"duration\": 30,\n  \"position\": 4,\n  \"title\": \"Delivery has arrived!\",\n  \"titleColor\": \"#0066cc\",\n  \"titleSize\": 70,\n  \"message\": \"Go answer the door!\",\n  \"messageColor\": \"#000000\",\n  \"messageSize\": 64,\n   \"media\": { \"image\": {\n    \"uri\": \"\", \"width\": 576\n  }}\n}","x":770,"y":260,"wires":[["ab70ac50.fd88e8"]]},{"id":"f0f8665.b184b18","type":"debug","z":"87101dd.987786","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"payload","targetType":"msg","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":1090,"y":260,"wires":[]},{"id":"4c0dd616.866118","type":"mqtt in","z":"87101dd.987786","name":"","topic":"Home/Office/External/DeliveryMotion","qos":"0","datatype":"auto","broker":"","x":360,"y":260,"wires":[["661d0696.ab0da8"]]},{"id":"eca37438.18c338","type":"comment","z":"87101dd.987786","name":"Delivery has arrived","info":"","x":315,"y":226,"wires":[]},{"id":"661d0696.ab0da8","type":"switch","z":"87101dd.987786","name":"on / off","property":"payload","propertyType":"msg","rules":[{"t":"regex","v":"on","vt":"str","case":true},{"t":"regex","v":"off","vt":"str","case":true}],"checkall":"true","repair":false,"outputs":2,"x":620,"y":260,"wires":[["92614fa6.0c8818"],[]]}]

Just having a play with your node red. Ive changed the IP of my android Sony Tv but its not going through.

I get the error below ECONNRefused


Thanks Martyn

Did you follow the instructions here: