Send target temperature to ihc sensor

Hello, I have just started with Home Assistan, but have been running with Openhab for many years, now it was time to try something new.
However, I struggle with being able to control my temperatures.
I have integrated IHC in the home assistant and can get my sensors in just fine.
it is my IHC that has my heat control, so I only need to be able to control my temperature value on my sensor (sensor.temperatur_set_sovevaerlse).
I have searched various places, but without success.
can I use Generic thermostat to send the “Target Temperature” to my sensor?. I can see some people talking about making an automation that should send the value from Generic thermostat to sensor.temperatur_set_sovevaerlse, but I can’t get it to work so I hope there is someone who can send me in the right direction.

A sensor entity is read-only; it has no service call for setting its value.

In contrast, a climate entity (what’s produced by the Generic Thermostat integration) has several service calls including one for setting its target temperature.

I have no experience with the IHC Controller integration but, based on its documentation, it has several service calls including this one:


It allows you to set the (floating point) value of an IHC resource based on its ihc_id.

For example, assuming the resource’s ihc_id is 12345 you can set its value to 21.5 like this:

- service: ihc.set_runtime_value_float
    ihc_id: 12345
    value: 21.5

it helped me on the right path, but how do I send the value of the target temperature which can be changed?.
right now it sends a fixed value (22)

target 2

I solved it with the following

alias: TEST IHC 2
description: “”

  • platform: state
      attribute: temperature
  • service: ihc.set_runtime_value_float
    controller_id: 0
    value: “{{ float(state_attr(‘’,‘temperature’))}}”
    ihc_id: 18573844
    mode: single
    max: 10

It’s the custom of this community forum to assign the Solution tag to the first post that offers the means of solving the problem or answering the question. In this topic, it was this post that guided you to using the correct service call, for the IHC integration, to set the value of an IHC resource.

If all you want to do is set an IHC resource to the same value as a climate entity’s temperature, it’s as simple as this:

alias: example
  - platform: state
    attribute: temperature
condition: []
  - service: ihc.set_runtime_value_float
      ihc_id: 18573844
      value: '{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.temperature }}'
mode: single 

According to the documentation, controller_id is only necessary if you have multiple controllers. If you do then add it to the example.

The value of the temperature attribute is a floating point number (not a string) so it’s not necessary to use the float filter.