🔔 Send Web UI persistent notifications to Mobile Devices

This user has been inactive for some time, the blueprint below is still available, but please be advised it may no longer work.

Original Post

This blueprint is part of the Awesome HA Blueprints project.
Read more about it on the related Community Forum topic. :rocket:

Updates will be published on the project’s GitHub repository.

:arrow_down: Get Started

Option 1: My Home Assistant

Click the badge to import this Blueprint (needs Home Assistant Core 2021.3 or higher)

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.

Option 2: Direct Link

Copy this link if you want to import the blueprint in your installation.

:link: Blueprint URL

:page_facing_up: Description

This blueprint enables to send Web UI persistent notifications, (ie. the ones created with the persistent_notification.create service) to the specified mobile device or device group. It also provides the option to choose which notifications must be forwarded, based on the provided notification ID.

Working both on iOS and Android devices, mobile notifications can then be organized into a specific group. For Android devices, they can also be assigned to a specific channel (for applying custom notification settings such as sound, vibration, etc.).

This blueprint can be useful in all situations when a web interface persistent notification is desired but the event should be reported also on a mobile device.

Moreover, it can be handy in scenarios when a notification cannot be sent directly to a mobile device, for example for system generated persistent notifications (invalid login attempts, integration setup required, supervisor alerts, etc.) and for integrations/addons which, instead of providing a custom event for triggering automations, use the persistent_notification.create service as an event report mechanism.

Once opened on the mobile device, the relative persistent notification in the web UI is not dismissed.

:closed_book: Full Documentation

Full documentation regarding requirements, inputs and more is available here.

Docs provide all the information you need to properly configure this blueprint on your instance.

:information_source: Changelog

Updated list of changes and improvements is available here.

Happy automating to everyone! :fire: