Sending a file or photo to home assistant via android share button?

I see this option and when pressed says shared with home assistant but I can’t find the event to receive the file. Is this possible?

I think you should get the URL for the file, more about the share feature here: Sharing | Home Assistant Companion Docs

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Thanks, I was able to find the event but no link for the file. Is there something else as far as permissions that I would need to allow? Files and media sharing is already enabled.

    "event_type": "mobile_app.share",
    "data": {
        "caller": "android-app://com.zen.zentest",
        "subject": "ZenTest [51] 2022/02/13 PM 01:09:27",
        "text": "Admin\r\n2022/02/13 PM 01:09:27\r\n",
        "device_id": "d91eb4b3b6243ad2"
    "origin": "REMOTE",
    "time_fired": "2022-02-14T04:47:09.224858+00:00",
    "context": {
        "id": "1b2032360b1b215d4fcad7402b115ed6",
        "parent_id": null,
        "user_id": "ad4c32c2c7c94809a2765e6bf733d589"

it depends on the app where the share came from, its possible the URL isnt included in the share. HA does not support receiving a file from the mobile apps either.

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@Mikefila - did you ever figure this one out? I just wanted to share text files from an app to home assistant and got the same-structured message, as you show in your post. I am quite at loss what to do with this … :smiley: