Sending alert when action isn't taken by certain time of day


I’ve been figuring out HA just fine for a while now, but after spending a while on this problem I could really use some help.

The two of us have a kitten whose litter box must be scooped daily. We both use the companion app. My idea was to place an NFC tag by the litter box so whoever cleans it can then tap the tag. If neither of us have tapped the tag by, say, 5pm, an alert will start sending increasingly more frequent notifications to both phones until someone does.

I’m stuck on setting up the conditions - making the alert such that it only fires after 5pm and setting the alert back to idle after the tag is tapped. I also am unsure if I have the mobile app notifiers configured properly. This is what I have so far:

    name: Litter Box is Unscooped
    done_message: Litter Box is Scooped
    entity_id: input_boolean.litterbox
    state: "on"
      - 120
      - 60
      - 30
    can_acknowledge: true
    skip_first: false
      - notify.mobile_app_01234567...
      - notify.mobile_app_89abcdef...

Is an alert even the best way to do this? Would this be better done through an automation?

Thanks in advance for your help!

look here (sorry for the topic name)

As described in the docs you can use a template binary sensor in conjunction with your alert.

  - binary_sensor:
      - name: "Litterbox Alert Trigger"
        state: |-
          {{ is_state('input_boolean.litterbox', 'on') and
          now() >= today_at('17:00') }}

Your notifiers were not set up correctly, you need to leave notify. off.

    name: Litter Box is Unscooped
    done_message: Litter Box is Scooped
    entity_id: sensor.litterbox_alert_trigger
    state: "on"
      - 120
      - 60
      - 30
    can_acknowledge: true
    skip_first: false
      - mobile_app_01234567...
      - mobile_app_89abcdef...