Lets say for example, I have a bag of coke on my coffee table, and I want to set an alert starting at 7:00 am everyday to do the first line of coke, and that reminder goes off every hour. UNLESS I have scanned an NFC tag sitting by the coke that acknowledges that I have in fact done the first line, then the automation/alert is stopped. I see how to do this with states, but not NFC scans.
While time > 7:00am AND NFC tag not scanned
sleep 60
Restart every day.
I think I’m supposed to use a template, set it to 1 if the NFC tag is scanned. If not, it stays 0, and the alert IF = 0 then send reminders to snort coke.
Is there a way to do it with a simple NFC tag, and one automation or am I making this way too complex?
Maybe its not coke, maybe just to help me remember to give grandma her meds.
This sounds simple, which I like. I’ll test. The “Done Checker” blueprint is close, but using notifications build into HA which I’m not looking at daily. I’ll post back when I succeed with this. Seems like a lot of automations though for one job. Hard to manage down the road?
Can you give an example of how this would work? I’m not being successful. I can get repeat to work, but it sends them all at once. Or a delay send them regardless of boolean being on.
alias: hourly "medicine" reminder
description: ''
- platform: time_pattern
minutes: "0"
- condition: state
entity_id: input_boolean.took_medicine
state: "off"
# Replace google_translate_say with <platform>_say when you use a different platform.
- service: tts.google_translate_say
entity_id: all
message: "Don't forget to take your medicine"