Sending attribute value to Alexa Speech response

I have my Xiaomi Vacuum set up to be controlled via my Alexa. I have a script set up for each command, and use intent_scripts in my configuration.yaml to link to Alexa. Here is one of my intent_scripts for example:

      service: script.turn_on
        entity_id: script.vacuum_return_to_dock
      type: plain
      text: OK. I am sending vacuum back to the dock

I have put in a response for each command, using the speech command. Alexa will reply with this wording each time I give this command. But I would like to be able to add an attribute such as battery % or cleaning time as part of a response. Can that be done?

Ah, found it. Format is {{ states.vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum_cleaner.attributes.battery_level }}. Just insert this or similar into the text field and Alexa will say its value. Neat!