I have aquarium with rgb leds, which are connected on ESP8266.
I need to sending every hour information about rgb color and brightness over MQTT.
This is no problem, but I was created light control box for every hour (24 control box). Now I need read settings from correct control box and send over mqtt payload
> lights.yaml
> - platform: mqtt
> name: 'Aquarium light 0'
> state_topic: 'aquarium/rgb1/light/status'
> command_topic: 'aquarium/rgb1/light/switch'
> brightness_state_topic: 'aquarium/rgb1/brightness/status'
> brightness_command_topic: 'aquarium/rgb1/brightness/set'
> rgb_state_topic: 'aquarium/rgb1/rgb/status'
> rgb_command_topic: 'aquarium/rgb1/rgb/set'
> brightness_scale: 100
> optimistic: true
automations.yaml - alias: set_rgb_light trigger: platform: time at: '10:00:00' action: - service: mqtt.publish data_template: topic: 'aquarum/rgb1/brightness/set' payload: '{{ states.light.aquarium_light_0.brightness.state | int }}' <- not work - service: mqtt.publish data_template: topic: 'aquarum/rgb1/rgb/set' payload: '222,125,154' <- work,