Sending data from Vegetronix sensor to home assistant

Hi all,
I have some garden sensors from Vegetronix connected to their wifi hub. This hub is able to be configured to send data back to their Vegecloud service, or can also be configured to send to a custom server, “as long as the server supports Vegecloud formatted data”.

The API doc has details of the JSON data object format: Update Api Documentation (VERSION 1 DEPRECATED)- VegeCloud

		"api_key" : "<string>"
		"error_code": <integer>,
		"sensors": [
			{ "slot": <integer>,
				"samples": [

My question is what the best way to get this data directly into Home Assistant would be. I have had a look at the RESTFul Sensor documentation and also Webhook trigger, but not sure exactly what the URL should be or how I should configure Home Assistant to accept the data. Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks, Ben