Sending events from ifttt to home assistant

Automation gurus,

I am having a problem setting up sending events from IFTTT to Home Assistant. I have created an input boolean in HA for “motion detection”. I am trying to use IFTTT to send HA the event when the occupancy sensor triggers. It is a D-Link DCH-S150. The connection from DLink to IFTTT worked right away and the trigger happens. But IFTTT applet generates the following message when trying to report the event:

Applet skipped
Jun 11 - 9:46 AM
D-Link Motion Sensor
If Motion detected by Motion Sensor, then make a web request
Unable to make web request. Your server returned a 404

Here is the setup for the applet:

If Motion detected by Motion Sensor, then make a web request
View activity log
Receive notifications when this Applet runs

Motion detected
This Trigger fires when motion is detected.

Make a web request
This action will make a web request to a publicly accessible URL. NOTE: Requests may be rate limited.

URL my_password

Surround any text with “<<>>” to escape the content

Add ingredient

The method of the request e.g. GET, POST, DELETE

Content Type (optional)


Body (optional)

{“entity”: “input_boolean.motion_detection”}
{“entity”: “input_boolean.motion_detection”}
Surround any text with “<<>>” to escape the content

Add ingredient

When I review the HA component setup for IFTTT it talks about the Rest API but I have done nothing regarding that as I don’t understand where to put the code or even if I should use it.

I hope this is not too cryptic but if anyone has any experience with this I would appreciate the help.


The URL should be

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That did it!

Thanks much arsaboo!