Sending notify attachment to android or IOS not working anymore

In the past I did send attachments to Android and IOS.
It is not working anymore without changing something
I used this in the past:

In Android I do recieve the title and message but no image, In IOS I do recieve nothing
What am I doing wrong? or what is changed?
Thanks for the answers

EDIT: I do get it working for Android by changing the data like:

But IOS stil nothing happens: No Title, no message and no image

I tried also:

test is not showing up as tekst also at my Ipad

If i send this to my wifes Ipad it is working.
So it looks like my ipad is not reachable for notifications.
I removed my HA app from the iPad.
Removed the iPad from the integration mobiele app
restart HA
Reinstall the HA app on my iPad.
At the integration it is there again.
I see the right information at devices of my iPad.
But still not able to push notify to my iPad
what to do?

It is working again.
I did log out and allowed notifications again