Sending Webhook from HA

Good Day,
I am working to migrate the many automations hosted on many different devices/services to a more central device/system: Home Assistant (HA).

My current effort is to migrate a webhook implementation from IFTTT to HA.

My research and learning tells me I need to place the following within my YAML.CONFIG:

url: “https://server:9443/set/xxxxxxxxxxxxx/open/12
method: get
content_type: “text/plain”
url: “https://server:9443/set/xxxxxxxxxxxxx/favorite/12
method: get
content_type: “text/plain”

Q: On the above: https…I do not have “https” implemented on my HA system. But this “https” is on the receiving system…so not an issue?

If the above is true, then my automation would be something like:

alias: Test
description: “”

  • platform: sun
    event: sunset
    offset: 0
  • service: rest_command.mbedroom_shades_down
    mode: single

Sure hope this is correct or I am at least very close.

Thanks in advance for any and all help.