Senec solar systems component

I’ve created the HA integration with the SENEC solar panel and battery system.

It is able to pull information like generated power, power consumed by house and home battery state with charge and discharge values. The information is pulled locally from the battery controller.

It is already possible to install it with HACS, but I’m trying to get pull requests merged so that it is easier to find.

Any feedback is welcome!


Hi Mikolaj,

are you still developing your SENEC component?

For which SECEC devices does it work?


Hi JoJa1101,

Didn’t spend much time on it recently due to lack of time but the integration works fine. I’m using it with Senec Home V2.1, the wallbox is not yet integrated as I don’t have it and wasn’t able to check the api yet. Anything else is hard to say. Would be interested in positive reports from others that it works.

Okay, I will do so. :slight_smile: I get the Senec Home Hybrid V3 - and Senec Wallbox, too.

Feel free to open issues if you encounter any problems.

I would make the integration more stable if I would have tests for your devices.


Hey JoJa,
were you able to connect locally to the Senec V3?
I am looking into getting the system in the next months.

Hey, thanks for your effort! I would love to test it out. However, despite a lot of research and trying I wasn’t able to install the component :frowning: I copied all the files from /custom_components/senec to the corresponding directory using the Samba add-on. I also installed HACS. But I cannot find the component neither in the HACS list nor in the list of integrations. Since I am a newby with Home Assistant, I guess I simply miss something. I would be happy if you could give a hint or point me to a guide on how to do it. Thanks a lot!

I installed this in HACS and it the show‘s up correctly in HACS and the folder custom_componants, but I can’t find the integration. Am I missing something?

I’ve the same problem

Check the comments in the 2 pullrequests in Github: Pull requests · mchwalisz/home-assistant-senec · GitHub

I’ve edited the, by deleting ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL_VOLT
and edited the manifest.json, by deleting ssdp, zeroconf, homekit and adding iot_class
like the verified commits in the pull request shown. But it’s still not possible, to find the integration in the web interface.

Did you add the version in the manifest.jason?

yes, I’ve added this:

“iot_class”: “local_polling”,
“version”: “0.0.1”

I don’t know if it’s relevant, but I have Core Version: core-2021.8.7

ok… I’ve restarted HA a couple of times (because other reasons) and now it’s available!!! Thanks for the hint.


Just installed the lastet branch with the pullrequests merged.
Rebootet a few times.
But still there is no SENEC showing up in the INTEGRATIONS.

Any idea where one could start to debug / look into this?

Just had to wait for several days and reboots (maybe) and now it’s there. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Don’t thing this solves the issue but at least it is there and working.

I tried to install this, but after restarting, no integration is available and the logs says:

ERROR (SyncWorker_2) [homeassistant.loader] The custom integration ‘senec’ does not have a valid version key (None) in the manifest file and was blocked from loading. See for more details

Any ideas how to solve this issue?

I posted it already on github. This is the short way to solve problems in HASS:

  1. Create new sensors. See Integration - Riemann sum integral
  - platform: integration
    source: sensor.senec_solar_generated_power
    name: Stromproduktion
    unit_prefix: k
    unit_time: h
    method: left
    round: 2
  1. Customize entities (Settings > Customize entities). You have to set device_class “energy”:

  2. Use the new sensors at energy management.


Dear JoJa,
it’s all working fine. Have you had any idea how to integrate the “battery” part of the energy dashboard with the senec system? I think the senec_battery_state_power might be one of the two parts we are looking for. However, I am not sure how to properly measure the battery input/output.
Any ideas?

Hello, since this morning our senec solar system is active :-).
Installation and integration of this component went smooth and I see the data in my energy dashboard.
Thank you wery much for this integration!
I would like to ask, if it would be possible to include the separate MPPs as we have 3 different threads: north, south and garage.