Sengled Plugs have excessive state updates

I have a bunch of Sengled plugs E1C-NB7. They are great. They give me the current Watts and the kWh and create a great energy dashboard. One thing I noticed is they are very chatty. If I look at my states table I see that I’m getting many updates every minute:

The outlet doesn’t appear to be configurable. Is there a way to reduce the frequency of these updates using a filter or some other mechanism? The main reason I ask is because I only keep 10 days of history but my 4 sengled outlets have about a million state updates each:
Alternatively, is there a way to tell recorder to keep fewer days worth of states for some devices?

They seem to update every 5sec, so that’s max 288.000 entries on 10 days (and your screenshot show ~100.000, not a million).

Doesn’t seem a big deal to me…