Senors.yaml suddenly incorrect

Hello, I am hoping to find some help here with my sensors.yaml, as suddely the syntax seems to be incorrect, this supposedly happened a couple of days back and I just found out as some sensors were reporting unknow history. the sensors.yaml have been working for over a year. and report not this:

- platform: systemmonitor  property platform is not allowed
  resources:   property resource is not allowed
  - type: processor_use
  - type: memory_free
  - type: memory_use
  - type: memory_use_percent
  - type: disk_use_percent
    arg: /
  - type: disk_use
  - type: disk_free
  - type: throughput_network_in
    arg: enp11s0
  - type: throughput_network_out
    arg: enp11s0

# Minimal configuration of the standard time and date sensor
- platform: time_date  property platform is not allowed
  display_options: property resource is not allowed
    - "date_time_iso"

it seems that the whole - platform is inusable, does some one has any ideas how I can resolve this?

Many thanks!

I am seeing this as well in my sensor.yaml. Note, this is in Studio Code, not in my File Editor which doesn’t complain about the formatting.

EDIT: just to be clear, there is nothing wrong with your sensors. It’s a false report.

I’ve opened an issue about this:

Feel free to comment if you have anything to add (not just “me too”, use the thumbs up button for that).


Check! Thanks.