Hello everyone, I have installed a Sense Power monitor. Configured successfully and I can see power usage and consumption in HA. In addition the devices discovered by Sense are showing as Binary Sensors in HA. But their status does not update (they are always off in HA even when the Sense app shows them running). Are others seeing the same or ideas on how to configure properly ?
Hi mviamin,
I have the same problem here, I just installed sense 2 days ago and the only one device I have discovered so far is always showing “off” in HA.
did you find a solution?
Do you guys have any automations using the Sense stuff? I’m thinking of something like “Washing machine done -> send alert” “Treadmill on for 5 minutes -> turn on fan”
I have a few alerts set up, but within the Sense app, not in Home Assistant, and that is mainly to help me in device discovery (for example, when alerted that “Motor2” is on, i run around the house to figure out what the hell is “Motor2” ). I have not had the need to tie devices across platforms, in which case HA would be a great solution for it for sure. Also I found there is a lag between Sense native and HA in terms of when device status is shown accurately. Maybe others have more creative ideas ?
FWIW, I get the same message(s) every so often. If that is the only record in your log related to Sense, I would not worry, perhaps restart if it persists.
Case in point, just pulled this from my logs. I just poked around HA and everything seems to be working fine.
This said, It would be interesting to know what creates these messages ?