SenseHat for RaspberryPi

Morning All,

I am running HA on a RaspberryPi 3 which has the SenseHAT Add-On
I’ve just joined the world of HA and wanting to get the SenseHAT integrated so I can utilize the humidity sensors, the leds etc.

Has anyone had any joy getting this added? I’ve had a look at some forum posts from early 2020 but it appears any repositories haven’t been maintained or were just error prone.

I am also struggling to figure out how to install the libraries required for SenseHAT as when I type the likes of ‘sudo apt update’ my HA will just return unknown command for ‘sudo’

I tried following the Documentation for SenseHAT

Unfortunately after updating the Configuration.xaml it is no longer valid.

Had a look at a couple Github channels and seems like some sort of reference is missing and been a while since anybody has asked.

I would like this same thing. Seems like the Developers for HA want everything wireless. I think wired is the best but what do I know. It would be nice though to be able to use those cheap sensors directly on the raspberry pi instead of having to use something like a D1 mini

I used this and it works great GitHub - cgomesu/rpi-sensehat-mqtt: Raspberry Pi SenseHAT MQTT publisher and subscriber. On the other hand I am not running Home Assistant on on the self-same Raspberry Pi. I am running rpi-sensehat-mqtt on a Raspberry Pi 1B+ which is also acting as a MySensors MQTT gateway.