Sensibo - Exposing Temp Sensors

I added my Sensibo Sky to the home assistant (found all of the ID’s, added them perfectly)
but I want to have the ability to read and show history for the temperature, and I can’t seem to figure it out… I went with this post “Expose Sensibo Sensors - #3 by YetiWalker
added this to my config.yaml


  • sensor:
    • name: sensibo_shlomioffice_humidity
      state: “{{ state_attr(‘sensibo_id’, ‘current_humidity’) }}”
      unit_of_measurement: ‘%’
      icon: mdi:water-percent

but it does not work…

The name of the entity_id is not complete. Go to Developer Tools —> States (tab) —> Find your complete Sensibo entity name. Copy it here.

am I missing something?


this is the complete configuration in the configuration.yaml


  • sensor:
    • name: sensibo_shlomioffice_humidity
      state: “{{ state_attr(‘9rasW7RN’, ‘current_humidity’) }}”
      unit_of_measurement: ‘%’
      icon: mdi:water-percent

Not that. You need the entity_id of your Sensibo climate that is created after integrating it to Home Assistant.

sorry for the noob question, but where do I find it?
I went to developer tools, this is what I found

What is the entity_id that is created after you integrate Sensibo to Home Assistant?

It should be climate.xxxxxx


Ok it should be-
{{ state_attr('climate.ac_office', 'current_humidity') }}


thank you very much for thee quick replies :slight_smile: