Sensibo in 0.96

I’ve had the Sensibo A/C controller running for a while with no issues. Currently running 0.94.3. Ran the config check for 0.96.2 and got the following error:

Failed config
  General Errors: 
    - Platform not found: climate.sensibo

Here’s the relevant code:

  - platform: sensibo
    api_key: !secret sensibo_api

I know there are changes to climate integrations in 0.96, but I don’t see anything that addresses this.

sensibo works in 0.96.x

I’m looking at purchasing a sensibo so I can have the AC unit turn in and off based in the available solar power…

Can anyone comment further if there are issues with sensibo in the latest version of Hass?

My Sensibo is running fine after upgrading to 0.96. I have the same config entry as @Juliean_Galak so I’m not sure what that issue is.

  - platform: sensibo
    api_key: !secret sensibo_api_key

I did have to change an automation to use hvac_mode instead of operation_mode but that was the only change i made for the upgrade. Sorry I can’t help more.

@Juliean_Galak’s error was from check config, not from HA itself. It is a false alarm.


I was afraid to upgrade because of the same error in check_config HASSIO’s add-on:

Failed config
  General Errors: 
    - Platform not found: climate.sensibo
    - Platform not found: weather.environment_canada

I’ll try to upgrade it later this week… let’s check if it’s a false alarm for me too.

It was, indeed, a false alarm. Updated, and the Sensibo integration is working fine.

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Did the upgrade yesterday and it went well. Launching check_config still showing same result, but it’s obviously working.

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