I recently bought the Sensibo Sky to make my AC a little bit more controllable. It integrates with HA quite well. All that is needed is to setup an account with Sensibo so that you can create an API key and then use it in the Sensibo integration. But I suppose this means that Sensibo Sky still talks to Sensibo servers? Is there a way to set it up completely local?
Har du fått din Sensibo att fungera i Home Assistant utan att ange API Nyckel ??
I Sensibos app finns ju beskrivet hur man ska ansluta den manuellt till nätverket, men hur fan får man den in i HA efter det då, för utan API nyckel går den ju inte att installera.
Nej, vad jag förstått äe nyckel ett krav.
Jäkla skit det där, man vill ju inte behöva vara beroende av molnbaserade appar.
Håller med. Men den fungerar bra iaf.
Some people tend to forget that this is an international forum
I took the liberty of translating for anyone else curious to know who also doesn’t speak Swedish.
@trallan @Karlslund @Patrick010 - any discrepencies please feel free to correct
Have you got your Sensibo to work in Home Assistant without entering the API key?
The Sensibo app describes how to connect it manually to the network, but how the hell do you get it into HA after that, because without an API key it cannot be installed.
No, I understand that a key is a requirement.
Bloody hell, you don’t want to have to depend on cloud-based apps.
Agreed. But it works well anyway.
Far out I wish i could speak Swedish.
Me too.
Also would love to hear if this becomes available with local polling.
I see a lot of comments made in german and french so why cant i comment in swedish then ??
Germans try to belive that their language is spoken all around the world, the same from the French people.
Nowdays you have translation in almost every webreader so its not a big problem to use them to translate what you dont understand.
hey certainly no problem for me! i was only trying to point out how easy it is to translate
Actually, i find it inspiring that the forum is international and so many others are seeking information on the same solutions
i’ve had an idea , because it’s ESP32 inside there’s an option to flash it with any fimwere you want( you’ll get the temp sensor data as you should but i guess it will be a problem to teach the sensibo the AC commands (it wont be easy as the sensobo app)
I’d very much like to see a local API too. Sensibo, are you listening?
If you get the Sensibo Air or Air Pro they have Homekit which can then talk locally to Home Assistant. The Sky doesn’t have Homekit, so I’m not sure if there is any option to have local control.
For the native integration there is no possibility to have local control. It’s all going through the cloud.