Sensor Badges not showing up in Hassbian

I am in the process of rolling my HASS install over from my general purpose Ubuntu server that it has been sharing with Plex, LMS, Minecraft, Mosquitto and other programs to a dedicated Raspberry Pi that will only run HASS. I copied over all my configs and now when I bring it up, none of the sensor badges are showing up, other than Sun. I do not have a default_view group setup. Below are pics of the 2 servers. Top pic is the old Ubuntu install. Bottom is the new Hassbian install. Both installs are running .29.7. ANy ideas?

Looks like that you have an issue with your configuration.yaml file, especially the sensor’s section. Check your log or try $ hass --script check_config.

not sure why but that seemed to do the trick. I an the check_config and then it started working. no errors kicked back and no changes made to any of my config yamls, but … TA DA! It works. Go figure! Thanks!

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