Sensor Configuration In yaml

Hi, I have successfully added to my configuration.yaml file lines to create some temperature sensors with data coming from MQTT

 # Temp Sensors
  - sensor:
      name: "Garage Network Cabinet Temperature Sensor"
      state_topic: "HS4/Garage_Network_Cabinet_Temp"
      suggested_display_precision: 1
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      unique_id: "Garage Network Cabinet Temperature"
  - sensor:
      name: "Upstairs Network Cabinet Temperature Sensor"
      state_topic: "HS4/Upstairs_Network_Cabinet_Temp"
      suggested_display_precision: 1
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      unique_id: "Upstairs Network Cabinet Temperature"
  - sensor:
      name: "Roof Temperature Sensor"
      state_topic: "HS4/Roof_Temp"
      suggested_display_precision: 1
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      unique_id: "Roof Temperature"

Now I want to add more sensor from MQTT for example

I want to add a door sensor

But when I add code it stops the temperature sensors from working?

      name: "Garage To House Door Sensor" 
      state_topic: "HS4/Garage_To_House_Door"
      payload_on: "1" 
      payload_off: "0" 
      device_class: door

how do I correcy add sensor so it show up in the overview page as
Garage to house door “Open or Closed”
with the little door open closed icon?

# Temp Sensors
  - sensor:
      name: "Garage Network Cabinet Temperature Sensor"
      state_topic: "HS4/Garage_Network_Cabinet_Temp"
      suggested_display_precision: 1
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      unique_id: "Garage Network Cabinet Temperature"
  - sensor:
      name: "Upstairs Network Cabinet Temperature Sensor"
      state_topic: "HS4/Upstairs_Network_Cabinet_Temp"
      suggested_display_precision: 1
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      unique_id: "Upstairs Network Cabinet Temperature"
  - sensor:
      name: "Roof Temperature Sensor"
      state_topic: "HS4/Roof_Temp"
      suggested_display_precision: 1
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      unique_id: "Roof Temperature"
  - sensor:
      name: "Garage To House Door Sensor" 
      state_topic: "HS4/Garage_To_House_Door"
      payload_on: "1" 
      payload_off: "0" 
      device_class: door

That does this , Line 14 failed

Yup, your door is a binary_sensor

# Temp Sensors
  - sensor:
      name: "Garage Network Cabinet Temperature Sensor"
      state_topic: "HS4/Garage_Network_Cabinet_Temp"
      suggested_display_precision: 1
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      unique_id: "Garage Network Cabinet Temperature"
  - sensor:
      name: "Upstairs Network Cabinet Temperature Sensor"
      state_topic: "HS4/Upstairs_Network_Cabinet_Temp"
      suggested_display_precision: 1
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      unique_id: "Upstairs Network Cabinet Temperature"
  - sensor:
      name: "Roof Temperature Sensor"
      state_topic: "HS4/Roof_Temp"
      suggested_display_precision: 1
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      unique_id: "Roof Temperature"
  - binary_sensor:
      name: "Garage To House Door Sensor" 
      state_topic: "HS4/Garage_To_House_Door"
      payload_on: "1" 
      payload_off: "0" 
      device_class: door

Yes that worked, I had to remove the old entity first then when I added it again in yaml it worked.

How do I change the name on the card from Binary Sensor to say Door Sensors?

if it is the autogenerated dashboard, you can’t


Ok I guess I can create a custom dashboard and add them to it.
I did manage to add My PIR sensor and change to the icon to motion, seemed to work well.

Thanks for you time, Very helpful