Sensor - Count the installation (Mine is bigger than yours-sensor)

yeah, the beauty of this python script is it does it all automatically:

count_all = 0
domains = []
attributes = {}

for entity_id in hass.states.entity_ids():
    count_all = count_all + 1
    entity_domain = entity_id.split('.')[0]
    if entity_domain not in domains:

attributes['Domains'] = len(domains)
attributes['--------------'] = '-------'

for domain in sorted(domains):
    attributes[domain] = len(hass.states.entity_ids(domain))

attributes['friendly_name'] = 'Entities'
attributes['icon'] = 'mdi:format-list-numbered'

hass.states.set('sensor.overview_entities', count_all, attributes)

though I like the way the OP uses the attribute_templates (I still have these (also) as individual sensors, per domain)
Cut another 30 entities :wink: (not are this relieves the state machine, because they still are listed in the attributes as templates.

only gripe I have here, is it counts my light groups to, since they belong to the domain light. here my light sensor isnt

{{states.ligh |count}}


        friendly_name: Lights (only)
        value_template: >


49 Proximity sensors.
34 Zones.

Are you sure you are not automating a small country?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I didn’t bother with sensors, I just put mine straight into a markdown card (someone is going to tell me why that is a bad idea…)

no, just a large family :wink:

did a small rewrite of the OP sensor with attribute_sensors and will test this shortly:

        entity_id:  #<--- not sure if this needs to stay coming 115? maybe to keep it from updating too frequently;-)
        friendly_name: Entities per domain
        value_template: >
          headline: >
            {{states|count}} entities in {{states|groupby('domain')|count}} domains
          alert: >
          automation: >
          binary_sensor: >
          camera: >
          climate: >
          counter: >
          cover: >
          device_tracker: >
          geo_location: >
          group: >
          input_boolean: >
          input_datetime: >
          input_number: >
          input_select: >
          input_text: >
          light_only: >
          media_player: >
          person: >
          proximity: >
          remote: >
          scene: >
          script: >
          sensor: >
          sun: >
          switch: >
          timer: >
          variable: >
          weather: >
          zone: >
          zwave: >

btw, Maybe I am overly puristic, but I don’t like the fake icon_templates, so took the out and customize it :blush:

  icon: mdi:home-assistant

I know it’s 1 line extra, but the dev’s wont complain if anything goes awol…

bw, missed an important 1: persistent_notifications. But I already had that in my notification package, so added the attibute as

          persistent_notification: >

You lost 30 sensors. Did one of your zones attempt to proclaim its independence and many sensors were destroyed in the ensuing battle?

even worse!
Ive lost several Waze sensors, and Weatherbit integration:
at startup

after a while

the culprits:

not sure why you’d post that, but if your ‘pulling the data’ from this Roldy's Home Assistant - 190+ sensors - 440+ entities - 70+ automations - Floorplan you now should have noticed that could be done much better…

consider that code:

     value_template: >
       {%- set domains = ['automation'] -%}
       {%- for domain in domains -%}
         {%- for item in states[domain] -%}
           {% if loop.first %}
           {% endif %}
         {%- endfor -%}
       {%- endfor -%}

and compare it to


Hey @uiguy come here and blow their minds…

Template editor tool:

{%- for d in states | groupby('domain') %}
{{ d[0] }} - {{ states[d[0]] | count  }}
{%- endfor %}
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my code on @Mariusthvdb link above came initially from @Mariusthvdb i seem to remember… oh and sorry I did not credit you before… :slight_smile:

So, I threw this into the Template editor and it popped up a long list of domains as it should, but one in particular caught my eye -
sensor - 666
Thanks 2020!

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What would be the best way to display this in Lovelace? I tried a Markdown Card but the formatting was ugly, not having each domain on a new line. Is there a way for format the use of new lines in the Markdown Card?

I tried to put it in a table but failed. This is the best I can do.

type: markdown
content: |-
  {% for d in states|groupby('domain') %}
  **{{ d[0]|replace('_', ' ')|title }}**  {{ states[d[0]]|count  }}
  {%- endfor %}
title: Domain Counts


Much better than mine. Thanks


how can one make the numbers to have at least 3 digits, ie 001 instead of 1
this way to have it nicely aligned

type: markdown
title: Domain Counts
content: |-
  {% for d in states|groupby('domain') %}
  {{ '{:03}'.format(states[d[0]]|count) }} **{{ d[0]|replace('_', ' ')|title }}**
  {%- endfor %}

thank you works great now, multi column would be nice instead one big list.

like this:

pure and simple more-info on a sensor…

Now Marius, where is the “Mark this post as : - Evil Bastard on the response options ?

1 Like

I did this:

      - type: markdown
        # title: Components
        content: >
          Domain | Count 
          {% for d in states | groupby('domain') %}
          {{ d[0].replace('_', ' ') | title }} | {{ states[d[0]] | count  }}

          {% endfor %}