Sensor created with nodered HA nodes is unknown after HA restart

Hi there,

I have new sensors created with the new create entities nodes, this one is sensor, that have unknown values when HA restarts (they’re values for the greatest daily, monthly… power, solar values).
No problem with sensors created in HA directly.
Any ideas for solving this issue?


Having the same issue, created some sensors recently for custom energy tracking but after restart of HASS the values are gone.

Did you find a solution for it?
In theory you can make a helper and whenever the value updates save it there and after restart retrieve from there but that’s not a very nice solution.

I haven’t changed it yet but i beleive that you must use the node-red-contrib-persist for saving and retreiving the value at restart.

I tested around the flag “Resend data and config” checkbox ticked in the entity config did the job for me, maybe you can try the same.

Values remain same now also after restarting Hass


Yap, that does it :slight_smile: Thanks!

Hi Max,

where I can I find this setting? I only see “Resend state and attributes” but that doesn’t work.

That’s the one I used you mentioned “Resend states and attributes”

What other settings you’re having? Do you have as state class total increasing?

And also a device configured?

For anyone running into this, just set your flow to rerun when nodered starts.

add or change your ‘inject’ node at the beginning of the flow and set ‘inject once after [ 1 ] seconds’

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