Sensor data from energy management differs from utility_meter

Hi .,

I have a sensor for my solar panels (SolarEdge) “sensor.solaredge_ac_energy_kwh”. This one is set in the energy management tab. For today, this shows 23,1 kWh produced.

Screenshot 2021-12-13 192616

Question: Are these values shown in the energy management avaiable as sensor values somewhere within Home Assistant?

I didn’t find it anywhere, so I set up an utility meter using the exact same sensor yesterday:

    source: sensor.solaredge_ac_energy_kwh
    cycle: daily

I expected this sensor to show excately the same as in energy management (23,1 kWh). However, the sensor only sums up to 22,7 kWh today.

Screenshot 2021-12-13 192638

Please tell me if I made an error in reasoning.

Utility Meter restarts at 00:00

Energy at 00:12 I think

That shouldn’t make a difference, since my solar roof does not produce any energy before ~9 am during winter…

No response to this I see… same issue here. A utility_meter set to the same sensor used in Energy Dashboard is under-reading by about 3% over a 24h period… e.g.:

If it was due to Energy Dashboard tripping over later than the utility_meter that would in theory make the utility_meter read MORE not less.
Anyone work out why the utility_meter reads less?

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