Sensor data from Xiaomi LYWSD03MMC, through MQTT / TheengsGateway

Hello, I’m trying to set up some LYWSD03MMC sensors, my setup being:

  • Home Assistant running on a server / hyper-v
  • TheengsGateway running on a RPI Zero W

I’ve got Mosquitto set up on the HA machine and the RPI/TheengsGateway sending data. Data received in the broker currently looks like this:

"servicedatauuid": "fe95",
"servicedata": "30585b0506307a6a38c1a408",
"name": "LYWSD03MMC",
"id": "A4:C1:38:6A:7A:30",
"rssi": -42,

I understood I need a bind key for the Xiaomi sensor, grabbed it using - Telink Flasher, but I have no ideea where to add it. Any clue?

Actually, I think the Theengs only supports unencrypted payloads, through the telink custom firmware (ATC) or another one (PVX?).


Thank you!

Flashed the firmware here - Releases · atc1441/ATC_MiThermometer · GitHub, reporting fine now.

Not really sure what’s your use case, but keep in mind the LYWSD03MMC is supported natively by HA, as soon as you have a bluetooth config.

Hyper-V doesn’t have USB support so I can’t attach a bluetooth interface. Might move to something that does :slight_smile: it’s getting a bit complicated without one.

I have 6 of these things all running the pvvx firmware, never had a problem with them. I should get around to changing a few batteries though, thanks for reminding me. :rofl:

Easiest way to get BT is to flash a $5 esp32 with ESPHome bluetooth proxy.
Communication is IP between HA and proxy, so no Hyper-V limitations :wink:


Well, that seems much simpler. Ordering one :slight_smile:

Thanks again!

And it’s even possible to get more out of your device @skxc by having your xiaomi thingy running with pvvx’ custom ware and a esphome node in range. The Thermo/Hygrometer can be extended and act also as clock :clock5: and/or display :tv: :rocket:


PVVX encryption to be supported by Theengs gateway in the next release:

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