Hello all,
It’s my first time posting here so if any information is missing or unclear, let me know so I can add more info.
I’ve been using HA since the beginning of this year on a RPi 4GB and steadily growing the front- and backend. Everything was working fine (as far as I could see) but since the 21st of June, all sensor data is gone as you can see in this picture.
All sensor data is gone before 21-6. All sensor has started recording data since 21-6, some start in the morning, some in the evening, some even one or two days later. Strange thing is that I haven’t changed anything except for the periodic updates. As far as I can see, the updates did not kill the data (allthough I don’t check it every moment of the day.
Some specs:
HA Core: 2022.6.6
HA Supervisor: 2022.05.3
HA OS 8.2
If the current integrations are needed, they can be provided.
I’ve got some back-ups from last week but I refrained from updating or restoring because I don’t know the consequences, it would be a shame if all data is gone.
So two questions: is there a way of checking or restoring the “old” data and is it possible to merge the data from the back-up with the sensor data that has been collected since?
Thanks in advance!