Sensor does not show up

thanks for this, I just experienced the same issue, the process to add is :

  1. Copy encryption code or API of the device/node and memorize its ip address>>
  2. Go to Settings >>
  3. Devices and Services >>
  4. Click add integration (bottom of screen) >>
  5. Type “esphome” on the search >>
  6. Click esphome >>
  7. Enter ip address of device >>
  8. Enter port of node (6053 most of the time) >>
  9. A screen will pop up for encryption, paste the encryption obtained from the device
  10. You should now be able to see it
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If it would always be so easy. I am fiddling around to get my sprinkler to work, but the integration in homeassistant recognizes the esp node, I can add it and then I see only the device - but not any entities or sometimes only the entities created by my router fritzbox. If you need more details to help me, you’ll find them here yaml and logs (I just don’t want to make a complete double post).
I deleted esphome addon competely and also the integration in homeassistant and restarted. HA found the nodes immediately and I reconfigured them. Now one node works like a charm and the other with which I am having trouble a long time now only shows up with 1 entity.

Can this be related to the encryption keys?