Sensor for tracking when HVAC filter is due to be changed

Air Filter Countdown

This project creates a sensor that tracks when the HVAC filter is changed, and sends an alert when it needs to be changed 90 days later.

I’m using a Wyze sense door sensor to trigger the automation when the filter cover is opened, but any door sensor can be used.

Link to project on github

This is my first post, and my first time posting a project on GitHub, so I apologize for my sloppiness! I have been using Home Assistant for about 6-8 months, but I have no coding background.


Strangely I was looking for a way to record when my water filter needs changing. Your code will help. thanks :slight_smile:

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Utilizing bits of your code I came up with this card setup instead of doing a picture entity:

Since I don’t have a reed switch on my filter door I just use a input_bool and butonized it.


  - entity: input_datetime.air_filter_date_installed
    type: entity
  - cards:
      - entity: sensor.air_filter_life_remaining
        type: entity
      - entity: input_boolean.filter_changed
          action: more-info
        show_icon: true
        show_name: true
          action: toggle
        type: button
    type: horizontal-stack
type: vertical-stack

Thanks for the great idea!


Fantastic! It looks great.

Thank you for posting this, sharing your code and writing a guide along with it. It helped me setup my info.

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The only reason I am able to make anything happen in HA is because of this amazing community. Just trying to pay it forward when I can!