Sensor for weekday, help templating

Trying to get the opposite of a binary_sensor workday so a holiday (on when is holiday, off when is workday. The below template is wrong. Need help fixing it

value_template: ‘{% if is_state(“binary_sensor.workday”, “on”) off {% else %} on {% endif %}’

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maybe have a look in the dev-state, I am using the default

binary_sensor.workday_sensor ( as opposed to your binary_sensor.workday?

also if you want to test if it is off, just do

this is true for holidays And weekends though, not sure if thats what you need, but it is what you asked for :wink:

I needed the opposite behaviour of the binary_sensor.workday.

Found solution myself, I missed a character, below is working (the new binary_sensor is on during the holidays and off during the workdays.

Having a hard time with template lol

value_template: ‘{% if is_state(“binary_sensor.workday”, “on”) %} off {% else %} on {% endif %}’

that template is On on non-workdays, so on holidays And weekends

just as the template I suggested, which is much simpler:


don’t need to specify the on and off state in the template like this.

Yep that what I need (holiday and weekends are same in my user case: I want to sleep longer and have off some automation (some lights going on early morning)

Edit for me weekend are non working days, sorry for the confusion caused