Sensor.home_eta -- what is this?

I just installed 0.71 and upon restart a new sensor appeared called sensor.home_eta. It reads: 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00:00 all the time.

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Something similar happened to me, except the sensor is called binary_sensor.home_away and it has triggered at least twice while I’ve been at work.

I have both sensor.home_eta and binary_sensor.home_away show up in the default view. I haven’t saw it do anything yet

Oh, I have the home_ETA sensor too. Wtf?

Found the answer: This is part of the update to the Nest component. The binary_sensor.home_away reflects whether the Nest is in Home or Away mode. The sensor.home_eta is theoretically when the Nest is reporting how long it takes to get to the target temperature. However, mine has not changed from the default of 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00:00


Ah, thank you. The fact that home_away is now actually a binary sensor is extremely helpful. That’s the only thing I was relying on IFTTT for.

Home_eta has also not changed from the Unix Epoch Time for me. :-/

I figured this was part of the Next push changes, but I couldn’t figure out what home_eta was.
Anyways its pretty useless to me with just a nest protect

Not exactly. The sensor.home_eta is you told Nest how long you will arrive home, so that the thermostat can heat up or cool down your home to welcome you home. The nest.set_mode services has been extend to include eta parameter in coming 0.72 release. Theoretically you can integrate it with your navigation app, or your connected car.

That is an advanced feature HA can provide over Nest itself’s App. to integrate more of your smart home device to work together.

0.72 beta has been released, I am hoping you enjoy this new feature.

Will this take your device out of eco mode?

I wrote an automation that uses an input datetime to take my Nest out of eco mode at a predetermined data/time. I only put the Nest in eco mode when I’m heading out of town. So could this eventually replace my manual automation?

This is what I’m currently using:

- id: turn_off_nest_away_mode
  alias: Timer- Turn Off Nest Away Mode
  initial_state: 'on'
    - platform: template
      value_template: '{{ ( states.input_datetime.nest_away_end.attributes.timestamp | default(0) | int | timestamp_custom("%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M", True) ) == states.sensor.date__time.state }}'
    - condition: template
      value_template: '{{ is_state_attr("climate.house_nest", "operation_mode", "eco") }}'
    # Restore Nest to the orgional mode
    - service: climate.set_operation_mode
        entity_id: climate.house_nest
        operation_mode: '{{ states.input_text.nest_mode.state }}'

I don’t know, you can try.

Honestly, I never tried this feature in my “production” setup, since my home almost always have people at home, especially in summer.

Anyone been able to use set_eta successfully? I’m using it in an automation. While the ETA is set (as seen in the ETA sensor which appears to be in UTC time), my system never kicks out of eco mode until I arrive home to a cold house.