Yes. Either have every sensor in the configuration.yaml or every sensor in you sensor.yaml. No ‘something here and something there and something everywhere’
This is a tidy smart home software!
And please use proper code tags to show us your code next time
If you’re thinking about using a dedicated sensors.yaml you probably have not a nested folder structure with different sensor_thing_x.yaml for different integrations or something.
So you probably have your sensors in config without the ‘sensor:’ more than once and some accidentally all over the place which is - in my opinion - not the greatest idea.
You can do use an integrations multiple times. by using labels, for example
sensor garden: !include sensors_garden.yaml
From the documentation: You can, as well, have multiple top-level !includes for a given integration, if you give a different label to each one:
- platform: group
name: "Bedside Lights"
- light.left_bedside_light
- light.right_bedside_light
# define more light groups in a separate file
light groups: !include light-groups.yaml
# define some light switch mappings in a different file
light switches: !include light-switches.yaml