Sensor last_update time does not match with local time

Hello All,
I have created a new template using the Xiaomi Vibration Sensor, but the last update time is different of local time in more 3 hours,
How can I fix this problem?

#My time zone
time_zone: America/Sao_Paulo

 platform: template
      value_template: "{{ states.binary_sensor.vibration_158d0002b605f9.last_updated.strftime('%H:%M:%S')}}"

I’m in Europe/Amsterdam and I had about the same problem. My time was 2 hours off (-2).
You could try this as the template:

{{ as_timestamp(states.binary_sensor.vibration_158d0002b605f9.last_updated) | timestamp_local }}

Thank you very much.
It is working very well.
Have a good week.