♾ Sensor Light Add On - Media & Movie Lights - House Alarm Lights - Smoke Alarm Lights & Exhaust Fans + More

Because it is Apple TV (The physical black puck that runs tvOS) we don’t need to say it is Apple TV like this ‘Apple TV & TV+ (Apple TV)’. In apple TV you go into the app ‘Apple TV’ inside that app you can play your movies or anything you purchased etc. You can also select Apple TV+. It is all the same app app_id. So there are 2 parts to the app.

Hope this make scene

Blacky :smiley:

I’ve some apple tv additions for anyone who needs them:

            - label: Disney+ (Apple TV)
              value: com.disney.disneyplus
            - label: Infuse (Apple TV)
              value: com.firecore.infuse
            - label: Jellyfin (Apple TV)
              value: com.jellyfin.swiftfin

I love the idea in this automation. I don’t have separate lights to turn on, I’m just looking to dim the same lights. But I can’t seem to get it to work. Whenever I pause, the lights turn off rather than going to the intermission star or snapshot. Any help?

alias: Movie transitions
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/sensor-light-add-on.yaml
    trigger_bypass: input_boolean.movie_mode
        - light.living_room_side_lights
      - use_brightness
      - use_colour_temperature
      - use_transition
    light_brightness: 28
    light_transition_on: 3
    light_transition_off: 2
    include_intermission: intermission_disable
      - paused
      - idle
      - media_player.jellyfin_lg_smart_tv
      - use_brightness
      - use_colour_temperature
    intermission_light_brightness: 80
    intermission_light_colour_temperature: 4000
    light_colour_temperature: 3500
    include_end_turn_on: enable_end_turn_on_snapshot
      entity_id: light.living_room_side_lights_old
    end_snapshot_helper: input_boolean.movie_snapshot_helper
      entity_id: light.living_room_side_lights_old
      - use_brightness
      - use_colour_temperature
    end_light_brightness: 80
    end_light_colour_temperature: 6100
    end_light_transition_on: 4
    include_automation_link: disable_automation_link
    automation_link: []
    include_sun: sun_enabled
    include_bypass: bypass_disabled
      - standby
      - paused
      - playing
    end_snapshot_name: lights_before_movie
    ambient_light_value: 20
    ambient_light_options: ambient_light_option_enabled
    time_delay: 0.5
    include_start_turn_off: enable_start_turn_off


Welcome to the community :wave:

Your have ‘paused’ in your ‘Trigger - OFF State’, please remove it from there and only have it in ‘Intermission - Trigger State’. Hope you can see the conflict.

Let us know how you go.

Blacky :smiley:


Thanks for the quick response. I adjusted that this evening to have the off state as standby (a state my media player doesn’t give), but it seems whenever I have have the intermission enabled, the lights turn off when paused. The lights also don’t seem at any point to return to a before movie state with the snapshot.

Please forgive my ignorance. I’m doing my best haha

alias: Movie transitions
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/sensor-light-add-on.yaml
    trigger_bypass: input_boolean.movie_mode
        - light.living_room_side_lights
      - use_brightness
      - use_colour_temperature
      - use_transition
    light_brightness: 28
    light_transition_on: 3
    light_transition_off: 2
    include_intermission: intermission_enable
      - paused
      - idle
      - media_player.jellyfin_lg_smart_tv
      - use_brightness
      - use_colour_temperature
    intermission_light_brightness: 80
    intermission_light_colour_temperature: 4000
    light_colour_temperature: 3500
    include_end_turn_on: enable_end_turn_on_snapshot
      entity_id: light.living_room_side_lights_old
    end_snapshot_helper: input_boolean.movie_snapshot_helper
      entity_id: light.living_room_side_lights_old
      - use_brightness
      - use_colour_temperature
    end_light_brightness: 80
    end_light_colour_temperature: 5000
    end_light_transition_on: 4
    include_automation_link: disable_automation_link
    automation_link: []
    include_sun: sun_enabled
    include_bypass: bypass_disabled
      - standby
      - playing
    end_snapshot_name: lights_before_movie
    ambient_light_value: 20
    ambient_light_options: ambient_light_option_enabled
    time_delay: 0.5
    include_start_turn_off: enable_start_turn_off


This is really important, you need to see what state your ‘media_player.jellyfin_lg_smart_tv’ provides. Looks like you know how to see what the state it is in but just encase you are unsure go into developer tools and search for your media player, then play a move, pause it, cancel it, stop it, etc and see what states it provides. It is case sensitive so you have to copy it exactly to what is provided. Then you can add your states in buy typing it and hitting enter and you should see your state is added. Then remove any state your media (TV) doesn’t provide.

I have also noted that you have 2 different entities for your lights, it is probably correct but just checking.

  • light.living_room_side_lights
  • light.living_room_side_lights_old

The states are critical for it to work correctly.

Please let us know how you go and if you still can’t work it out we will get there in the end… happy to help.

Blacky :smiley:

My Google 4K Chromecast App list.

New Update - Version 2.1

Lights, Camera, Action! Get ready to grab the popcorn because it’s movie time with a touch of cinematic magic! :clapper::sparkles:

Maintenance :toolbox:

  • Update the description in “Lights - Switches - Scenes”, “Start Turn OFF - Lights - Switches”, “Intermission - Lights - Switches - Scenes” and “End Turn ON - Lights - Switches - Scenes - Scripts” to include the new option to select “labels”. The updated description should read:

    NOTE: Only entities can be used. Areas, devices, and labels are not supported.

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Blacky :grinning:

Can a separation for movies and TV shows be added for plex purposes? I only want to activate my movie lights when we are watching a movie. not a tv show.

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If you can go into developer tools and search for your Plex media entity. Then Play a movie and take a screen shot of it and then watch a TV show and take a screen shot of it and post them here and I will see what we can do and if it can be done.

Blacky :smiley:

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I would also love to see this feature added, but I use kodi for this. I hope this can be done for it too.



Welcome to the community :wave:

For your kodi follow this.

If you look at what you have you will see “media_content_type:” and then movie & video. Chose what you would like… see below.

For Movie = In the “Use The APP Option (Optional)” just type the word ‘movie’ all lower case an not the ‘’ just the word movie and hit enter.

For TV-Show = In the “Use The APP Option (Optional)” just type the word ‘video’ all lower case an not the ‘’ just the word video and hit enter.

Let us know if this works for you.

Blacky :smiley:

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For the TV:

For the movies:

Thank you for your answer :slight_smile:
I tried with movie but nothing happen, but when I use video it changes the light for both, movies and shows

Is there any way to debug this?

I tried a few times, and it worked for some movies but one time only :man_shrugging:

the second time I play the same movie, it doesn’t work

Edit 2: tried some more, and it works every time media_content_type is in the lower part of the attributes.


For your Plex follow this.

If you look at what you have you will see “media_content_type:” and then tvshow & movie. Chose what you would like… see below. For others reading this you can use any of the 3 attributes and you can enter in as many as you like.

  1. app_id
  2. app_name
  3. media_content_type

For Movie = In the “Use The APP Option (Optional)” just type the word ‘movie’ all lower case an not the ‘’ just the word movie and hit enter.

For TV-Show = In the “Use The APP Option (Optional)” just type the word ‘tvshow’ all lower case an not the ‘’ just the word tvshow and hit enter.

Let us know if this works for you.

Blacky :smiley:


Looks like you are getting the hang of it. The automation only works of what is there so if some times it works and other times it doesn’t then it will be the media player. It depends on how they handle it and the good thing is you know where to look.

When testing make sure you move slowly and keep and eye on your attributes. I see the screen shot media_content_type at the top and then you have another one with it down the bottom. Not sure why this is the case. It cold be the media player :thinking:

If you are having problems with media_content_type maybe ask in the kodi forum and point out what you have found using it in HA with this blueprint. They should know more about this and they may even fix it.

Blacky :smiley:

@Blacky can you add also to add automation to activate instead of scenes. I have an automation blueprint for my movie lights and it would work with your blueprint but there is only scenes to us and not automation.

Thanks for your suggestion I will add it to the list of suggestions.

Blacky :smiley:

After a bit of tinkering and some help, we found that one of the installed add-ons was causing issues and the Kodi integration wasn’t refreshing the media_content_type. We’ve got it sorted now.
Thank you :slight_smile:

One question remains: why does the blueprint trigger when the media_content_type is at the bottom of the page but not at the top? :thinking:


Nice one, glad you got back to me. I thought it would be something there as we (Automation) can only do something when we get the information.

That will also be a Kodi or HA question. I would start with asking Kodi and see what they have to say… they would probably be interested in your question as it looks like they have an active community. From there I would then log a bug report to HA and see if they can help.

As a guess I would say it has to do with the space between top and bottom and Kodi needs to make sure that the attribute ‘media_content_type’ is always shown in the bottom section or they don’t. The other thing that may be of concern in the attributes is the way this is shown “media_title: Warcraft: The Beginning”. I would also ask Kodi if that is okay.

Blacky :smiley: