Sensor Light Blueprint Issue

Hi. Love the BP but I I’m having an issue since updating a few months ago to 5.0 and now 5.2. Whn the motion sensor triggers the light the automation with the Sonoff MS it SOMETIMES, about 30% of the time, flasshes the ligt then off quickly, once. The it goes into wait period before being able to come back on. Ive taken the entitlity from Alexa and had a bit of a clean up ( removed from disabled autiomations etc ) but i t still doea it.

It was doing this when I just set up my own very simple (if triggered turn on light and off after 120 secs but that started doing it too. Then I moved to the version as of last April 23 ( cant remmber v no. ) but it’s started doing again ow since 5.0 and now 5.2.

Can some one help? Thanks

( RasPi4, ZIGBEE * Core2023.12.3, Supervisor2023.12.0, Operating System11.2, Frontend20231208.2 )

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