💡 Sensor Light - Motion Sensor - Door Sensor - Sun Elevation - LUX Value - Scenes - Time - Light Control - Device Tracker - Night Lights

Dope!!, I feel so stupid for missing this option, before I just had it as ON, I have done it as you have your Hallway.

Thanks again.

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No problem, happy to help :smiley:

You can now see that you can have different by-pass that will do different actions.


I’ve been looking at yesterday’s history and the problem was with the motion sensor, which, I don’t know why, was on from 18:08 (when I left home) until I arrived back, at 23:33. So, as it was on when sun elevation triggered the automation, ligths set on at that time.

One additional (related) question. Is there any option in the blueprint that allows the timeout to start from the off->on of the motion sensor instead of from the on->off? I could use it to avoid lights being on all the time if motion sensor is stuck in on state.

In this case, timeout timer would start from the off->on triggering of the motion sensor, and if another off->triggering occurs before timeout, the timer would reset.

It would have one additional advantage, as some motion sensors (mine) stay in on state for a couple of minutes not to trigger so often and save battery. If timer starts from the off->on triggering, it could be set to less time than minimum, which is the “on timeout” of the motion sensor.


Yea well that makes sense.

No, it wouldn’t work correctly.

If your sensor has a time delay already in it then set the time delay in the automation to “0”.

If you like try my blueprint :round_pushpin: State Notifications & Actions but the next update is what you need, be out soon. Then you could set up a notify to send you a message if your motion sensor is ON for X amount of time. Then you will know to reset it. :wink:

Ok, then I forget about it.

It’s a hardware sensor, and the only possibility is to reset it unplugging the Zigbee bridge from electricity. I’ll do that with an automation.

I’ll wait for next update then.
Thank you!

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It has been updated now :round_pushpin: State Notifications & Actions



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Edit: I deleted the original message as when reading the yaml I noticed the line ambient_light_options: ambient_light_option_disabled which I now removed, hoping that my lights will turn on this evening even if there’s constant motion, meaning the motion trigger will trigger very rarely and stay at ON for many, many hours.

Yes it will work. Also notice that in ambient there is also a site condition. So if your sensor is effected by the lights when they turn ON then you would select YES.

hi i use a night mode is there anyway that the night lights could be activated only when night mode is on as using times is not flexible as we may go to bed at different times , otherwise this is perfect thanks you


Hi Mike, firstly welcome to the community and for asking the question.

Yes, you would use the state option. Then you could have a switch near you bed to activate night mode but I like to use “Do Not Disturb” on your phone as I dont like anyone waking me up and it also activates night mode :wink:

This post is an example on how to use the state option. Click Here

PS: Thanks for your kind words and I hope this help you.

Blacky :smiley:

Hi there
 maybe I’m to stupid, or I don’t see a thing, but my (I installed this blueprint yesterday on an up to date system) automation just does not get triggered

It sais it has never run, alltough my Hue motionsensor was triggered, and changed its state in HA - so it seems to me, that the automation ignores this change (of triggered motion)

Is there a bug or missed I something?

Hi @el-Presi

Without seeing your YAML of your automation I would say you are using “Devices” or “Areas” in "Lights - Switches - Scenes " and or “Night Lights”. You will need to expand down to entities. See under “The Settings & Best Practice Guidelines” Click Here on how to do this.

If that not the case then, could you please provide us your YAML of the automation? This YAML code are the settings you have selected in the automation so I can help. To do this go into your automation, top right 3 dots, Edit in YAML, copy all the code, come back to the forum and in your reply at the top tool bar click on “</>” and paste code in there.

See next to “Lights - Switches - Scenes” the note.

Hope this help your and please let us know if this was the fix.

Blacky :smiley:

Yes you’re right, I used an area there. Okay, so I switched over to a entity, it works (I just had a quick quick check)

Question: The Trigger Sensor area: I guess they are connected with “OR” so: "either entity one is true, OR entity 2 is true (or triggered motion), to switch the lights on?

So as long as one of them triggers motion, the lights will stay on?

Nice one glad you got it working :+1:

It is a bit tricky here. The quick way to explain is; When using multiple trigger sensors it is always best to group them. In saying that I do have some automations that they are not grouped. On how to set up group sensors please Click Here. I would recommend that you group them.

Blacky :smiley:

Hi @Blacky
Your blueprint work great all the time but not with sun conditions.
It look like sometime, my light goes on when sun goes down. In history, I can see that lights are turned on by your blueprint with the sun entity. I don’t known why.

Can you tell me why ?

Is there an update process? Updating the yank and reloading didn’t fix an issue with Rheindorf version. Ingas to recreate all automations :frowning:

Hi @Drealine

I have just tested it again here and it looks like it is working perfectly
could you please provide us your YAML of the automation? This YAML code are the settings you have selected in the automation so I can look into it further. To do this go into your automation, top right 3 dots, Edit in YAML, copy all the code, come back to the forum and in your reply at the top tool bar click on “</>” and paste code in there.

The only thing I can think of without seeing your YAML is there are 2 sun conditions (Global sun condition & night lights). You can use them together with different settings and I would always recommend the night lights setting be a lower value than the global sun condition. If you are using the night lights sun then when it rises above your setting it will go to your normal lights and any global condition you have. But I would need to see your YAML before I send you down the wrong path.

Thanks for reaching out as I do like to make sure that everything works perfectly how it should and sometimes I can miss something.

Blacky :smiley:


To update your blueprint please follow these steps Click Here

To check if there was anything that was required to do when updating then please see a quick reference guide " UPDATES OF BLUEPRINT" down the bottom of the FAQ Click Here.

If you only have a few automations and you haven’t updated the blueprint in a while and there are a lot of things to do
 then sometimes it is just best to recreate your automations as it can be a lot quicker and cleaner with no mistakes. The best way to do this is update the blueprint then disable the old automations you would like to recreate, then recreate new automations checking all your setting are the same between both automations
 once your happy with the new automation to then delete the old disabled automation :wink:

Blacky :smiley:

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Hi @Blacky
Tk again for your anwser and your support!

This is the code :

alias: Allume/Éteint entrĂ©e mouvements
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/sensor-light.yaml
      - binary_sensor.presence_sensor_fp2_6144_presence_sensor_2
      entity_id: light.spots_entree
    time_delay: 0.5
    ambient_light_sensor: sensor.presence_sensor_fp2_6144_light_sensor_light_level
    include_sun: sun_enabled
    include_ambient: ambient_enabled
    ambient_light_value: 50
    ambient_light_options: ambient_light_option_disabled
    light_transition_off: 0

Hope that can help you!

Dear Friends,
I try to search everything in here but i cant see any information about bypassing by button. I am not using any switches, I have buttons on my environment. Any suggestion will be appreciated. I am using sonoff motion sensor, sonoff button, and hue lamp.

Thanks in advance.