💡 Sensor Light - Motion Sensor - Door Sensor - Sun Elevation - LUX Value - Scenes - Time - Light Control - Device Tracker - Night Lights

Awsome thank you, it’s reassuring to know that it’s not me being stupid.

I will try your suggestions, but I have ordered the new Everything Presence Lite sensors and so will be using these instead with the blueprint. Thanks again :pray:

1 Like

I want the garage lights to come on when 1) garage bay door open or 2) garage door into the house opens. This works fine (I’ve grouped them). However, how can I turn the light off (it was on) when a different door (let’s say “side door”) is opened? Is this a “bypass” logic? I don’t want bugs to be attracted to the lights so I want them to go off should that side door be opened.


Yes use bypass option 2 with a door sensor on your side door.

Blacky :smiley:

New update 6.9

Your lighting experience, your way – take control and customize it to perfection! :bulb::sparkles:

New Feature :new:

  • Collapsible Sections - Added collapsible sections to the blueprint. This enhancement improves the blueprint user interface by making it cleaner and more organized, allowing sections to be collapsed.

    :warning: This feature was introduced in Home Assistant 2024.6, so you must have this version or later for the blueprint to work.

Maintenance :toolbox:

  • Update deprecated code for light control in kelvin.

Code Clean Up :broom:

  • Cleaned up code for reliability that could cause a bug.

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Blacky :grinning:


The blueprint looks nice but it wil not trigger,
I have a aquara motion sensor as trigger and it wont start. when motion is detected.

alias: Vorraum 2 Licht
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/sensor-light.yaml
      - binary_sensor.bs_vorraum_2_occupancy
        - light.sl_vorraum_2_a
        - switch.p_vorraum
        - light.sl_vorraum_2_b
    boolean_scenes_scripts: Vorraum 2 Licht
    time_delay: 2


Looks like you edited your YAML manually as your “Scenes & Scripts - Toggle Helper” is wrong. This is not an input_boolean entity ID. You are only using lights and a switch so you don’t need this input boolean. Please remove the bottom line and test it again.

boolean_scenes_scripts: Vorraum 2 Licht

Blacky :smiley:

Thank you for the tip. Now its working.

Amazing job :slight_smile:

Is it possible to configure the color of a RGB light with differents colors for differents range of time ?
Example red after the sunset (Night) and white after a certain time.

Hey, thank you for the great blueprint. I have a question.
I have a stair with 2 doors at the bottom and the top of the stair. Both doors have sensors and my goal is to turn on lights on the staircase the moment any of the doors open. Also my goal is to extend the time lights are on, each time any of the doors close and then open again.

You recommend to group multiple trigger sensors into a group sensor. But in this case as long as one of the doors is open, no matter how many times I open/close the 2nd door, binary group sensor says door is open once and then doesn’t register future door opening/closing. Hence duration that light is on doesn’t get extended with each opening and closeing of the 2nd door as long as 1st remains open.

Do I understan correctly that in this case I should not follow your advice and create a group binary sensor, but instead use each of the door sensors separately inside the blueprint settings? Would appreciate your advice here.

And if my assumption is correct and scenario legitimate perhaps its worth updating the documentation to differentiate your advice depending on the scenario?

@Blacky would you be so kind as to check here to see if it really is a bug? By way of background, I have updated to the latest version and also created the new helper for dynamic lighting. In my opinion, the automation is also running properly, but after I completely restarted the entire system, I discovered the following error message in the logs. It only affects one automation in the living room. When I restarted, I was also in the living room, the light stayed on and was also on after the restart, the helper was also on. Am I missing something or is it information I don’t understand?

Thank you

Logger: homeassistant.components.automation.licht_wohnzimmer_automation
Quelle: helpers/script.py:2001
Integration: Automatisierung (Dokumentation, Probleme)
Erstmals aufgetreten: 18:46:13 (3 Vorkommnisse)
Zuletzt protokolliert: 18:46:13

licht_wohnzimmer_automation: Choose at step 1: default: Parallel actions for dynamic lighting and normal lights: parallel 1: Choose at step 3: 1 - Dynamic Lighting - Lux Controlled Brightness: Dynamic Lighting Control: Error executing script. Error rendering template for variables at pos 1: ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero
licht_wohnzimmer_automation: Choose at step 1: default: Parallel actions for dynamic lighting and normal lights: parallel 1: Choose at step 3: 1 - Dynamic Lighting - Lux Controlled Brightness: Error executing script. Error rendering template for repeat at pos 1: ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero
licht_wohnzimmer_automation: Choose at step 1: default: Parallel actions for dynamic lighting and normal lights: parallel 1: Error executing script. Error rendering template for choose at pos 3: ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero
alias: licht_wohnzimmer_automation
description: ""
  path: Blackshome/sensor-light.yaml
      - binary_sensor.bewegungsmelder_wohnzimmer
      entity_id: light.licht_gruppe_wz
    end_scenes: []
    time_delay: 2.5
      - use_colour_temperature
    light_brightness: 50
    light_colour_temperature: 2700
    include_ambient: ambient_enabled
    ambient_light_sensor: sensor.sensor_wohnzimmer_light_sensor_light_level
    include_night_lights: night_lights_enabled
      entity_id: light.licht_gruppe_wz
      - use_brightness
      - use_colour_temperature
      - if_lights_are_on_adjust_when_crossing_over
    night_light_colour_temperature: 2750
    night_lights_before_time: "06:00:00"
    ambient_light_value: 80
    night_time_delay: 2.5
      - time_enabled
    night_light_brightness: 1
    night_light_transition_on: 1
    night_light_transition_off: 1
    include_sun: sun_disabled
    ambient_light_options: ambient_light_option_enabled
      - bypass_enabled_stop
      - input_boolean.by_pass_kino
      - input_boolean.by_pass_kino
      - input_boolean.by_pass_kino
    night_lights_after_time: "23:30:00"
    bypass_time_delay: 0
    include_bypass_auto_off: []
    dynamic_lighting_max_brightness: 45
    dynamic_lighting_min_brightness: 0
    dynamic_lighting_max_lux: 80
    include_dynamic_lighting: enable_lux_controled_brightness
    dynamic_lighting_lux_sensor: sensor.sensor_wohnzimmer_light_sensor_light_level
    dynamic_lighting_min_lux: 0
    dynamic_lighting_heartbeat: 0.25
    dynamic_lighting_step_value: 3
    dynamic_lighting_dead_zone: 5
    ambient_light_high_value: 96
    dynamic_lighting_boolean: input_boolean.helfer_dynamic_light_wohnzimmer